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TA Workshop 2014-15 2nd semester

UG OBL Requirements

  1. OBL System:
  2. Contact point: Judy (
  3. Faculty standard: UG courses - 70% of students attaining grade D (50% marks) or above.

4 things to do

  1. Before the start of the semester: Contact the course instuctor to have a meeting, tellling them the time you will not be available (attending conferences, rushing for conference submissions ... etc)
  2. One week before the first lesson: Set up moodle page for the course, and make it available to students.
  3. During the semester:
    • Tutorial class visit: A team will attend your tutorials/workshops to help you improve your presentation skills.
    • Return assignment within 2 weeks after the deadline (University Requirement)
  4. Throughout the semester: Implement HKUCS's OBL


  1. 10 programme outcomes (PO) setup by HKIE.
  2. Each course has more than one course learning outcomes (CLO), which is related to one or more POs. The CLO of your course can be found at the OBL System.
  3. Three kinds of mapping exists: T for teaching, P for practice, and M for measure. T,P is decided by course instructor and TA only need to care about M.
  4. For each selected question, provide:
    1. The question + sample solution.
    2. Mark distribution (excel file)
    3. 2 sample submissions from top. middle, bottom performers (Faculty requirement, totally 6).
  5. For the minimum effort, you only need to find one representative question in you course to assess one CLO.

OBL System

  1. You don't need to care about Matrix of Programme Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes.
  2. You need to operate on Assessment Activities.
    1. Add in assessment tasks for selected question.
    2. Download marksheet of the assessment task, fill in the student's scores and upload to the system.
    3. Let the system check if the benchmark is achieved.


For details, see the Workshop PPT.


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