TA Workshop 2014-15 2nd semester
UG OBL Requirements
- OBL System: https://intranet.cs.hku.hk/obl2/
- Contact point: Judy (judyli@cs.hku.hk)
- Faculty standard: UG courses - 70% of students attaining grade D (50% marks) or above.
4 things to do
- Before the start of the semester: Contact the course instuctor to have a meeting, tellling them the time you will not be available (attending conferences, rushing for conference submissions ... etc)
- One week before the first lesson: Set up moodle page for the course, and make it available to students.
- During the semester:
- Tutorial class visit: A team will attend your tutorials/workshops to help you improve your presentation skills.
- Return assignment within 2 weeks after the deadline (University Requirement)
- Throughout the semester: Implement HKUCS's OBL
- 10 programme outcomes (PO) setup by HKIE.
- Each course has more than one course learning outcomes (CLO), which is related to one or more POs. The CLO of your course can be found at the OBL System.
- Three kinds of mapping exists: T for teaching, P for practice, and M for measure. T,P is decided by course instructor and TA only need to care about M.
- For each selected question, provide:
- The question + sample solution.
- Mark distribution (excel file)
- 2 sample submissions from top. middle, bottom performers (Faculty requirement, totally 6).
- For the minimum effort, you only need to find one representative question in you course to assess one CLO.
OBL System
- You don't need to care about Matrix of Programme Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes.
- You need to operate on Assessment Activities.
- Add in assessment tasks for selected question.
- Download marksheet of the assessment task, fill in the student's scores and upload to the system.
- Let the system check if the benchmark is achieved.
For details, see the Workshop PPT.